Corporate Charter

The Namibia Deposit Guarantee Authority was established in terms of the Namibia Deposit Guarantee Act (Act 16 of 2018). Th e Authority was established to manage and administer the Deposit Guarantee Scheme. The Scheme's objective is the effi cient and transparent compensation of depositors in the event of bank failure. Our Corporate Charter establishes the NDGA's corporate identity in pursuit of its mandate and highlights the vision, mission and guiding values of the NDGA.

The NDGA aspires to be a credible institution committed to ensuring the protection of depositors against the risk of loss of their deposits. In pursuit of this vision, staff members, the Board of Directors, and anyone else acting on behalf of the NDGA are guided by a set of values that ensure that the Authority delivers on its mandate, while ensuring its credibility.

Our Vision

To be a credible institution committed to ensuring the protection of depositors.

Our Mission

To establish and administer the Deposit Guarantee Scheme for the protection of depositors against risk of loss of their deposits.

Our Core Values

Integrity We are truthful and honest in all areas of our professional and personal lives.
Professionalism We conduct ourselves in a professional manner at all times in the execution of our duties and when engaging with our stakeholders.
Transparency We pride ourselves on providing complete information when required and authorised.
Accountability We are accountable to our principals and stakeholders and take full responsibility for our actions.